Glass Splashbacks for Kitchens - Delivered or Measured and Installed Nationwide |
Glass Splashbacks for Kitchens
Glass splashbacks in the last few years have undoubtedly become
more prominent in the world of kitchens and kitchen design and we
here at kitchen calm love them!!
That may seem a tad over the top considering that after all they are
simply coloured glass splashbacks (or back painted toughened
glass to be mildly pedantic) which you apply to your kitchen walls -
but it's a product which we have been handling with a huge degree
of success and professionalism for many years and as such, have
grown an affinity with it which could, in certain circumstance, be
considered as love!!
However, our (some would claim possibly unhealthy) associated
love with kitchen glass splashbacks (and kitchen glass worktops)
and the skill we possess in fabricating and installing them will
provide you with a product and service second to none. Please
read on >
How do I get to have glass splashbacks in my kitchen? |
The procedure is very simple if you
require the full measuring and
installation service. All you need to
do is make a very basic measure
(no need to be mm perfect) of the
length and height of the area which
you would like to have the glass
splashbacks (or glass upstands if
you simply want a smaller border
e.g. 100mm high) and count a total
figure for the amount of socket cut |
outs (if any) required - don't worry about which piece of glass they're in just a total for the entire job (and singles cost exactly the same as
doubles at Kitchen Calm). Also, the thickness of glass nearly always used in splashbacks is 6mm but should you require for design or
structural reasons a thicker glass please include this detail with the measurements and socket count.
You then need to call us on either 0845 0450336 or 01642 648444 or alternatively simply send an email to with
these measurements. We can then provide a quotation which if you are happy with we would then book a date to attend site and
professionally measure your splashbacks. The colour doesn't need to be chosen at time of quotation and doesn't affect the price of the
splashback unless you would like a metallic/sparkle effect (which you need to make us aware of at time of quote if that's the case).
Supply only or single, e.g. hob, splashback
If you don't require the full service or simply need a single
splashback as in a cooker splashback (or hob splashback) then the
procedure is much the same as above.
As all of our splashbacks are made to measure it's quite difficult to
supply prices here as each piece is different but we are very keen
on price and deliver nationwide.
Simply call or email with the basic sizes
and we'll speedily quote your glass kitchen splashback
requirements including fixing silicone (if needed) and delivery.
As you are no doubt already completely aware - coloured glass splashbacks
are indeed splashbacks which are coloured- and you'll notice as you glance
around modern kitchens in the UK, splashbacks are making more and more of
an appearance mainly due, arguably, to the wonderful choice of colour.
The choice is huge as the splashbacks are painted (albeit a very special paint)
and as such can accommodate virtually any colour in the spectrum. To keep
things less daunting though we've selected some glass splashback colours
seen by either clicking the colours option at the top or simply by clicking here. Do
bear in mind though that should you not like our standard glass splashback
colours you can create your own via dulux/farrow&ball/RAL etc...
We also have a small brochure with our standard colours professionally printed
(and spot glossed to give the appearance of being behind glass) and will gladly
send a copy if you'd like to email your details to
It really should be toughened glass in a kitchen!! |
There are many companies supplying toughened and coloured glass to use as kitchen
splashbacks but there are equally as many who state that you don't really need to toughen
the glass. Or they'll tell you that it only needs to be a toughened splashback behind a hob.
Well they can say what they want as we believe very strongly here at Kitchen Calm that all
the glass wherever possible should be toughened to British Safety Standards. Once
installed it is a much safer product and the only reason not to toughen would be to save on
cost but as we have our own toughening plant and don't need to sub the glass out to
toughen you would save very little indeed. In our expert (and some would say seasoned)
opinion - it really should be toughened glass in a kitchen!!
A small note about our glass |
We use two types of glass here - low iron and
standard float. The low iron glass is incredibly
clear and as such provides a pristine finish
for the colour coming through the splashback.
The standard float glass has a natural green
distortion which becomes more pronounced
with thickness.
The thickness of the splashbacks is nearly
always 6mm and we mainly use the low iron
glass as it is a better
glass for kitchen
splashbacks. It keeps the clarity of colour
much more vibrant and as we use it in
such quantity the cost to you is the same - i.e.
you would make no financial saving by
specifying standard float. |
We do hope that this page has been helpful. Our aim is to reflect our namesake and keep things 'calm in your kitchen' while you go
through (what can be for some quite major) upheaval in the heart of the home. Glass splashbacks are undoubtedly a beautiful addition
to any kitchen design and we have been working with them for years now, quietly building our craft and reputation in this fickle industry.
Please feel free to call us on either 0845 0450336 or 01642 648444 and chat through your ideas. We're nice folk here and will always lend
our experienced eyes and ears to your kitchen dream. Alternatively send an email to and we'll respond speedily. |
All images depicted throughout this site are from kitchens where Kitchen Calm have manufactured and installed both the glass worktops and glass splashbacks. Why don't you give us a call and start the process to get this lovely stuff in your kitchen!! |