Glass Worktops for Kitchens and Bathrooms by Kitchen Calm |
Glass Worktops for Kitchens
Glass worktops are without doubt truly outstanding, with a 'wow factor'
hard to beat. No other kitchen worktop can introduce such light and
freedom of colour choice, that toughened glass worktops can.
We here at Kitchen Calm believe that they are the best choice for
virtually all kitchen design and we're going to attempt to prove it
throughout this page (of course the subject of aesthetics - being mildly
pedantic - is a very personal one but we hope you'll allow us to ride
over such philosophical meanderings and be deeply childish in our
approach to convince you that glass worktops are the best!!)
Why Should I Have Glass Worktops in My Kitchen? When considering your kitchen design, glass may not have appeared at first an obvious choice. However, the strength of glass once it is
toughened is extraordinary. In a kitchen environment you want something strong and toughened glass worktops give you that strength in
spades!! You can have a three metre run with a cut out for your hob perfectly in the centre (leaving you little space at the front and back of
the aperture) in one piece and you won't have to worry about your worktop warping like wood or needing joints like brittle granite.
As glass worktops are truly solid you don't have to worry about
staining or bacteria seeping into the surface like you do with
wood and granite or even corian. You can also have exactly the
same features with glass worktops that you can with other
kitchen worktops, such as drainer grooves and undermount
The true boon for glass worktops though is when you enter the
foray of colour choice. There is quite simply no other kitchen
worktop available which offers the choice that coloured and
toughened glass worktops do. Please read on - or if you've
already decided by this point you've read enough and want glass
worktops in your kitchen right now!! - then please give us a call
on 0845 0450336 or 01642 648444. Those who prefer could
email to
How Do I Get To Have Glass Worktops in My Kitchen and How Much Do They Cost?
You have two options here. You can either measure and install the worktops yourself or you can have us send one of our highly skilled
(and very affable) installation teams to professionally measure and install them for you. Below we've separated the two options detailing
what we require in order for you to receive both a price and then, if that's of interest, the lovely worktops themselves. It's quite difficult to
supply a guide price without at least some very rough guide sizes as the worktops are all made to measure so in order to receive an idea
of price simply follow one of the guidelines based in the options below and we'll very quickly provide a costing. |
Option 1 - Measure and Installation Service |
The first thing you need to do is a very basic measure of the area in
your kitchen (or bathroom, bedroom, shed etc..) where you want the
glass worktops to sit. No need for mm perfection just a basic length
and depth and whether or not you require a cut out for a sink/hob.
Then, when armed with these details, give us a call on either 01642
648444 or 0845 0450336. Alternatively email the details to You don't need to worry about colour at this
Once we have these details we can provide you with a quote which
should you like we would organise to have someone attend site
professionally measure the area then return a few weeks later and
install your very own wonderful toughened and coloured glass
worktops. It does sound very simple as it truly is.
Option 2 - Supply Only Service |
The procedure to receive a price for this option is exactly the same as
the template and installation option. Where the process differs though
is when it comes to the actual ordering, as you would be supplying the
measurements and we would simply fabricate the glass worktops from
your dimensions and then deliver them to you.
We do provide as much guidance as required if you would like to go
down the supply only route and will also professionally draw up your
worktops based on your measurements. We would then email the
drawings to you which you would use to make final measurement
checks and then sign off back to us for production.
Once again reasonably simple, the only difference being that you are
measuring and installing the worktops yourself. Please give us a call
on 0845 0450336 or 01642 648444 or email
and we'll give you as much advice and guidance concerning your glass
worktop ideas as we can.
It's perfectly true - the colours are beautiful!! I won't say that the first time you
walk into your kitchen and see your amazing worktops it's on a par with the first
time you view the northern lights while riding a sledge through Greenland with
Father Christmas - but it's pretty blimmin close!!
Unfortunately the only negative aspect of the colour choice for glass worktops is
the fact that you can have theoretically any colour in the visible spectrum. This
can create many a headache so once again the helpful (and some would say
knowledgeable) bunch we are here at Kitchen Calm have developed a standard
colour chart which you can view by clicking various links like here or the one
below (or the one above, or the top of the page or even the title of this section).
Please bear in mind though when viewing our colours that it is only the
standard colour chart and as stated above (and on the colours page), you can
have any available colour, such as Dulux/RAL/Farrow&Ball etc... Please call
either 0845 0450336 or 01642 648444 for further details. As always should you
prefer, you can email |
Technically speaking, coloured glass worktops are no different than any other solid kitchen worktops with regards to such things like sink
and hob cut outs. You can have any type of sink you would like, i.e. undermount or overmount, and should you require drainer grooves
these also pose no problem.
All of our glass is toughened to British Safety Standards and the colour is applied via a product which is specifically designed to adhere to
glass. There are many painted products available in the glass worktop and glass splashback kitchen market which have been adapted to
suit purpose. The reason for this is because the genuine paint application for glass procedure is not cheap and companies like to find
ways to make their product appear to be a better deal so they use cheaper not designed for purpose procedures. In truth, as you are no
doubt aware, the product is not a 'better deal'. It is most certainly a cheaper product, but it is inferior and not designed for purpose. Here at
Kitchen Calm we use the finest procedure on the market for applying the colour to the glass. As such you are always in the knowledge that
a Kitchen Calm Glass Worktop is of the highest quality available.
Please have a peruse through our technical section by clicking here or the title at the start of this section. It has further details concerning
the glass we use and the manner in which the colour is applied. Alternatively give us a call on either 0845 0450336 or 01642 648444. Or
as always you can email
We do hope this page has been both helpful and of interest. We also hope that should you have had any misgivings with regards to just how great toughened and coloured glass worktops were prior to reading this, you are now of the understanding that they are exactly what your new kitchen design needs. If not maybe you'll at least agree that they are a wonderful addition to the world of kitchen worktops and at the very least should be considered in your kitchen. Either way please give us a call to discuss further and we'll provide as much guidance and help that our very knowledgeable heads can muster. You can reach us on either 0845 0450336 or 01642 648444 or even email should you prefer on
A final note - all of the images you see throughout this site are from kitchens (and bathrooms) in which Kitchen Calm have fabricated the glass worktops and glass splashbacks. None of the images are either borrowed from stock or alternate suppliers. They're all us! |